WATCH: Joe Rogan Shows Off Ripped Physique After Carnivore Diet

Ultimate Fighting Championship color commentator Joe Rogan is reaping the rewards of his new carnivore diet.

Last month, Rogan took part on the #WorldCarnivoreMonth  by doing the 100% meat diet, which was first introduced by Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson in an appearance on his podcast.

In a lengthy Facebook post, he wrote: ”For the whole month of January I’m going on a strict carnivore diet.”

“January is #worldcarnivoremonth and I figured, f**k it, let’s see what happens.”

“So as an experiment for the entire month of January I’m not eating anything but meat and eggs. I’m getting my bloodwork done on Monday and then again when I’m done with the diet but I’ve been on it now for about 5 days and I’m already looking leaner.”

“My energy level has been excellent too. Kind of shockingly good. I’m making sure this isn’t a temporary placebo effect but at least for now I’m definitely experiencing some benefits.”

The Effects

Two weeks after, the MMA commentator shared the effects of the carnivore diet, saying he had some serious troubles on his bowel movement.

“Carnivore diet update; the good and the bad. Let’s start with the bad. There’s really only one ‘bad’ thing, and that thing is diarrhea.”

”I’m not sure diarrhea is an accurate word for it, like I don’t think a shark is technically a fish. It’s a different thing, and with regular diarrhea I would compare it to a fire you see coming a block or two away and you have the time to make an escape, whereas this carnivore diet is like out of nowhere the fire is coming through the cracks, your doorknob is red hot, and all hope is lost.

“It seems to be getting a little better every day, so there’s that to look forward to.”

”The good: Now, I’m well aware of the placebo effect and I’m constantly self-analyzing every perceived reaction I’m having to eating only meat for almost 2 weeks straight.”

“But one thing I’m fairly sure of is that my energy levels are higher and steadier throughout the day. This seems undeniable. 

Amazing Transformation

Continuing, Rogan said he feels more balanced since doing the carnivore diet.

”Again, I don’t now if this is real or imagined, but I actually seem to feel happier and more balanced.”

“This is the only time in my life I’ve ever tried eliminating carbs for more than a day or so, and since I started the diet a couple days before January I’m now about 13 days in, at least 7 pounds lighter, and in completely uncharted territory for me.”

“Which makes me think this is probably completely uncharted territory for 99% of the people on earth.”

Anyway, I’ll keep you folks posted.”

And just three days ago, he took to Instagram and showed off his amazing body transformation brought by the said diet approach.

Check it out in the video below:

(Featured Image Source: Instagram/ Joe Rogan)

Peter Johnson:
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